Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Banning Coaching Institutes: Is this the ultimate solution

I have been hearing a lot of helluva about inclusion of class 12th marks weightage in IIT entrance criterion. Apparently the major justification to the decision is that in current system 12th marks does not have any implication on a students future and as result student do not give a damn to the exam. The second purported reason are the mushrooming coaching institutes which focus only on entrance exam and do not let a child's overall development. I being an output of such a coaching institute is in a good position to judge both of these justifications.

The first point regarding the non-relevance of senior school in wake of mushrooming coaching institutes is very true but the real question is why this is happening. Is this because of shear incompetence of schools or the brilliance of the coaching institutes that the students and as a matter of fact their parents are ready to sacrifice their education and pay hefty amount to enroll them into a coaching institutes. As far as i am concerned i left my school after due research and clear advice from my seniors on the brilliance of the teachers in my school. The point was justified later when i found that many classmates who i consider brilliant than me could not get through despite putting in adequate effort. in addition to their efforts, students at that stage need much guidance and motivation to clear the final threshold and counter the tough competition out there.

I will strongly differ from the second point which says that overall development suffer because of the single focused coaching institutes. On the other hand i believe this focus is what drive best out of the students. They get to be part of a group with similar aim and do aid each other in their path forwarded. Is is as if a number of like minded cooperate to get ahead on the path of their choice and i do not see any wrong with it. Moreover these institutes are the sole opportunity for students like me who do not have a privilege to study in a top tier school because of their place of residence and who also do not have any educated family member who can guide them on their path. In a way coaching institutes are giving level playing ground to all the deserving candidates irrespective of their past and family background. Most of the prestigious coaching institute have their own entrance test which test students on elementary concepts to gauge their aptitude for the exam.

People have every right to express their opinion but I believe leaving my school and joining a coaching institute was the best decision I have ever taken and was one of the turning point of my life. Those two formative years were the biggest learning experience i ever had and probably i was in company of the most brilliant people i ever had. And with my IIT and IIM experience anybody should think twice before challenging me on this topic.

1 comment:

Pravin Painkra said...

Acha likhta hai and ur chintan is good keep enlighting us.But for now give me ur no. or a ring at 9374040621
Pravin Painkra