Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Fantasies The Unrealistic Desire

I like watching movies.They are my best companion when i feel lonely or when i am at my low.There are some which tell me all about famous anecdotes, person or practice.There are certain others which entertain me & fill my heart with vicarious happiness which it is creeving for in a world full of grief. But There are also a few movies which leave a great impact on my way of thinking & attitude.Such are the movies which all version of woods should creeve to make
I happened to watch such a movie yesterday.Although i am an ardent fan of bollywood & only rare bollywood movies can manage to skip my sight. But i occasionally watch english movies too but only after deep consideration & recommendation by my trusted friends.The movie at the point is "Life of David Gale".A must watch for all those who do n't want the world to be as it is today. The film is based on life of a fictious character (no price for guessing)David Gale, a renowned professor & deathwatch activist......An organisation fighting against the practice of death as a capital punishment.It is a thriller cum motivating movie which will leave u guessing all through its course.
But my main motivation to write this post came from the lecture bu Prof. David Gale in the movie about fantasies . The lecture goes on as " Fanatsies have to be unrealistic, because the moment u get what u seek u don't want it any more.Inorder to exist the desire should have its object perpetually absent.it's not it u want but the fantasy of it, so desire supports crazy fantasies.
This was saying the same thing as an obscure thought which came to my mind a few days earlier it was as, How ofen we try to seek a goal. We put on best of our endeavours & intense hardwork upto the extent our mind & body can tolerate & ultimately manage to achieve the desired objective.Then what happens ......Are we happy ever after...........I can bet if anyone can proove that.What happens most of the time is that we catch on some superior goal and begin to wonder in what a crap we were wasting our time & effort when we had got the opportunity to do many a big thing to do with fraction of earlier effort .This feeling motivate us to do a reoentance by seting us a bigger goal which would finally become trivial to us when we shall have achieved it.This is the truth of the life & no one can evade it.Human tribe has achieved current devlopment only by the desire to achieve big......&........bigger.The biggest has never ever happened in any ones life.That is the phenomenon which guides evolution . That is what fuels great discoveries exploration & deeds.Lets try to set us a goal which will become higher and more higher & someday so big that we would be remebered by future generation for the visions & ideas we had given to them.

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